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Microsoft and Nokia considered a joint bid for RIM to bolster smartphone share

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Microsoft and Nokia considered a joint bid for RIM to bolster smartphone share

Lucked out on a Christmas present for a loved one? Have you considered making a multi-billion dollar move for RIM? It seems everyone else has.

A matter of hours after Reuters unearthed rumours Amazon looked into acquiring the failing Canadian giant during the summer, The Wall Street Journal claims Microsoft and Nokia also considered making a joint bid for the firm.

Three way

Details a sketchy, but "people familiar with the matter" have told the paper discussions between the three parties took place at some point during 2011.

The focus was on restoring the BlackBerry brand to its former position at the top of the smartphone tree, although it's unclear just how Microsoft planned to incorporate the OS into its own offering - Windows Phone - in the long term.

More likely, they would have looked to integrate RIM's business experience, its server and cell tower infrastructure and expertise, not to mention making the most of consumer networks such as BBM.

BlackBerry too has suffered falling share in North America a market where it was previously dominant though it seems co-CEOs Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis are reluctant to sell the company or seek any form of outside help.

[source: The Wall Street Journal]