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Apple cancels iPhone 4S's official retail launch in China to ensure the safety of customers and employees

Relies on resellers and online vendors
Apple cancels iPhone 4S's official retail launch in China to ensure the safety of customers and employees

Demand for the iPhone 4S in China ahead of its 13 January retail release was predictably high, with thousands of consumers lining up outside of the Apple stores in Beijing and Shanghai.

Demand has been so high in fact, that would-be customers have been turned away from the stores in those two cities, not because of a lack of supply, but because Apple decided to postpone the retail availability of its newest smartphone due to crowd disturbances.

Incredible demand

According to a report over at AllThingsD, customers who had been waiting overnight for the Sanlitun store in Beijing were turned away after they became rowdy when the store failed to open on time.

Rather than risk more 'profanity, egg-throwing and scuffles', Apple canceled first day sales, instead choosing to rely on online and retail partners.

"The demand for iPhone 4S has been incredible, and our stores in China have already sold out," said an Apple spokesperson.

"Unfortunately we were unable to open our store at Sanlitun due to the large crowd, and to ensure the safety of our customers and employees, iPhone will not available in our retail stores in Beijing and Shanghai for the time being.

"Customers can still order iPhone through the Apple Online Store, or buy at China Unicom and other authorised resellers."

A similar situation occurred in Hong Kong in November 2011, when holding pens had to be constructed to defuse the Apple hungry mobs.

[source: AllThingsD]