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Big Fish gains approval for first streaming game subscription service on iOS

Recurring monthly revenues
Big Fish gains approval for first streaming game subscription service on iOS

Approval has been given to Seattle-based outfit Big Fish for its subscription-based games platform - the first of its kind on iOS.

Until now games have only ever been available via individual purchase but Big Fish will be providing its services for an initial $4.99 rising to $6.99 a month, offering consumers dozens of casual titles such as time management and hidden object games to choose from.

They will be available via streaming meaning downloads won't be necessary, though users will initially need their devices to be hooked up to a wi-fi connection.

First time's a charm

"This is the first time that the technology has matched the business model," said Paul Thelen, Big Fish's co-founder and CEO.

"We're at scale, have great momentum and remain in a position to pursue a public offering or any number of alternatives if the markets allow."

It wasn't all smooth sailing though, as Apple took some convincing the system would work.

"It took longer than usual to be approved. They needed to be convinced there's a reason to charge customers every month," said Thelen adding that the Big Fish subscription service could soon make an appearance on Android devices.

Big Fish has enjoyed success in the past as the publisher managed to fill 15 of the top 25 paid US iPad game slots, during a Mother's day sale earlier this year.

[source: Bloomberg]