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Motorola CEO Sanjay Jha rumoured to be first casualty of Google buyout

Google man Woodside likely to be offered top job
Motorola CEO Sanjay Jha rumoured to be first casualty of Google buyout

With US and EU approval in the bag, Google's $12.5 billion move to acquire Motorola is nearing completion.

Bloomberg claims Google's first act will be to dismiss current CEO Sanjay Jha, replacing him with Google SVP Dennis Woodside.

A short shortlist

Woodside moved from his former ad sales position to head up the inner workings of Google's proposed takeover of Motorola.

Now, "three people familiar with the matter" have said he's waiting in the wings to take full charge of the company once the deal is sealed.

Other names also allegedly being considered for the top job include Motorola Mobility senior VP Christy Wyatt and CSO John Bucher.

Uncertain intentions

The decision to appoint one of Google's exec is likely to raise a few eyebrows, given Google has previously claimed it's not looking to incorporate Motorola into its own operations, but rather run the manufacturer at arm's length.

However, it's also been claimed the main motivation behind Google's move for Motorola is the firm's 17,000 strong patent library a tool that could prove vital in Google's efforts to defend its Android business against attacks from Apple and Microsoft.

Existing Android OEMs have reportedly expressed concern that Motorola could soon be treated as a first party operation, receiving early access to Android updates with handsets billed as platform flagships.

Such concern has resulted in Samsung, the largest player in the Android ecosystem, throwing more of its weight behind its own bada platform, with the company moving to ensure all its eggs aren't in Google's basket.

Woodside's appointment has not yet been confirmed by Google, however, with Motorola spokesperson Jennifer Erickson claiming neither party will comment on any executive changes, with both currently "focused on running the business and getting the deal closed".

[source: Bloomberg]