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US developer Ludei demonstrates triple play, releasing new game on iOS, Android and HTML5

Sumon is everywhere
US developer Ludei demonstrates triple play, releasing new game on iOS, Android and HTML5

There's plenty of discussion over native apps versus web apps, but the obvious solution is to release everywhere and let the audience decide.

That's the approach taken by US developer Ludei.

With experience on iOS and Android, it's currently also hot for HTML5; targetting all platforms with its in-house CocoonJS tool.

Wherever you want

The first game to release the simultaneous treatment is its maths-meets-Tetris puzzler Sumon, which is now available natively on the Apple App Store and Android Market, while the HTML5 version is on Facebook, Chrome Web Store and via browser.

"Sumon is the first in a series of titles that is going to take advantage of bleeding edge innovation in mobile entertainment as we plan for a bigger footprint in the US and worldwide," said Eneko Knorr, Ludei's CEO.

"By launching on HTML5, iOS and Android, we're able to bring Sumon to the largest possible audience, a sentiment that is often discussed but rarely executed, until now."

You can find out more about Ludei's approach and links to play Sumon via its website.