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OMGPOP considering Draw Something TV show as userbase hits 25 million

Boasts 1 billion ad impressions a day
OMGPOP considering Draw Something TV show as userbase hits 25 million

With a userbase in the region of 25 million, a source "familiar with the matter" has claimed Draw Something studio OMGPOP is planning on devising a television show based on the Pictionary-style social game.

The move comes little over a month since the game launched across both iOS and Android, with CEO Dan Porter telling TechCrunch the game now boasts more than 10 million daily active users.

Six seasons and a movie

Those users are party to the 1 billion ad impressions a day the New York studio claims Draw Something plays host to.

Little wonder, then, that OMGPOP might be looking to take advantage of its new found fanbase, following in the footsteps of both Rovio which sees itself as a "next-generation entertainment franchise" and Talking Friends studio Outfit7, which is also pursuing merchandising opportunities.

Porter himself declined to comment on the possibility of a TV vehicle just what form any kind of series would take currently unclear claiming instead that the studio is looking to increase its ad revenue, partnering with more ad networks to further up its fill rate.

Since launch, Draw Something has topped the paid, free and top grossing charts on the App Store, with Porter raising the possibility of the title being "the fastest growing mobile game of all time."

[source: TechCrunch]