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European Games Developer Federation claims UK games tax relief a 'game changer for Europe'

Good for UK, good for Europe
European Games Developer Federation claims UK games tax relief a 'game changer for Europe'

The European Games Developer Federation (EGDF) has claimed the UK Government's decision to offer the games industry a tax break in its latest budget could be a "game changer", not only for the UK, but for all of Europe.

Heralding what it claims was "10 years of political campaigning", most recently led by trade association TIGA, EGDF chairman and Quantic Dream CEO Guillaume de Fondaumiere said all parties involved in bringing about the tax relief should be congratulated.

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"This is a game changer for the UK, and thereby Europe," said de Fondaumiere.

His comments were added to by EGDF general secretary Dr. Malte Behrmann, who said the decision was a "milestone in the history of European game politics and a big victory."

"It was TIGA and no one else, who pushed this through in Britain," Behrmann added.

"It is very important, that EU regulation is allowing these vital measures for games production in Europe. The efforts of the member states will help to to keep game production within Europe as the European game industry faces fierce international competition."

The tax break, unveiled by Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne, could deliver up to £50 million in relief in its first two years.