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InMobi optimises its advertising network for new iPad with HTML5

Promises adverts with never-before-seen clarity
InMobi optimises its advertising network for new iPad with HTML5

The new iPad's may have wowed consumers selling 3 million tablets in its opening week but it's left mobile advertisers struggling to make their content look the part on its 2048 x 1536 pixel resolution display.

Mobile ad company InMobi, which handles more than 93.4 billion mobile ad impressions every month, has stepped in announcing its network is now fully optimised for Apple's latest device.

The company's technology will use HTML5 features to take advantage of the new iPad's Retina display automatically upgrading existing content to deliver high definition ads.

Everlasting impressions

"Simply scaling up existing creative will not work on Retina screens, because those advertisements will look blurry and unprofessional at a 2048 x 1536-pixel resolution, compared to the 1032 x 768-pixel resolution of the iPad 2," said InMobi's developer community manger Terence Eden.

"Clearly the additional detail involves larger file sizes but our high-speed, low latency ad serving platform can easily accommodate the demands associated with Retina quality images.

"In fact as SVG and Canvas support develops within tablet browsers, we will be able to deliver adverts with never- before-seen clarity."

The launch of the new iPad is likely to see Apple edging ever closer to topping Android as the current lead on advertising impressions.

According to figures published last month, InMobi's iOS impressions were at 28.4 percent just 5.3 percent behind Android, although Apple's percentage rose over five percent since November 2011 where Android saw a slight decline over the same period of time.