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Industry veteran and Fruit Ninja developer Tony Takoushi sets up Total Arkade

It all started with CVG
Industry veteran and Fruit Ninja developer Tony Takoushi sets up Total Arkade

It's an unusual name, but one that might be familiar to gamers of a certain era.

One 'Tony Takoushi' is listed as playing a part in the creation of UK games mag Mean Machines in the early 1990s, when he was working on the similarly fondly regarded CVG.

Roll on 20 years and Tony Takoushi - now living in Australia - has announced the formation of his new studio Total Arkade Software.

What's he been doing in the meantime? Just work with little known companies such as Sega, Codemasters and Halfbrick, where he worked on Fruit Ninja.

New scene

But that's the past and this is the future.

""I started in the games industry in 1979 and it's very exciting to be setting up an indie development team at this time with so many opportunities to innovate and create quality titles in the mobile space," Takoushi says.

"I want to give players the same gorgeous art, great audio and compulsive gaming they would recognise from Halfbrick productions, along with some very innovative gameplay, as you'll see in our first title shortly."

As for that game, Takoushi is playing his cards close to his chest, but says it will be released for iOS, Android and bada.


Total Arkade Software