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Google looking to Samsung to serve up next Nexus

Motorola snubbed?
Google looking to Samsung to serve up next Nexus

Samsung will once again be chosen to manufacturer Google's next Nexus handset, according to sources cited by DigiTimes.

The site claims Samsung's ability to control the supply of key components, as well as its long-running experience with the Android platform, were the main factors behind Google's decision.

The fourth generation Nexus is currently expected to launch in Q4 2012.

Aren't we forgetting someone?

Samsung has previous with the Nexus brand, having manufactured both the Nexus S and Galaxy Nexus - the second and third generation handsets.

The original Nexus device, the Nexus One, had been developed by rival HTC.

Speculation had suggested the next Nexus device would be handled by Motorola, however, with Google's planned acquisition of the firm having already been approved by authorities in both the US and EU.

[source: DigiTimes]