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Rovio acquires Casey's Contraptions IP for renewed splash on iOS and Android

Relaunch due this summer
Rovio acquires Casey's Contraptions IP for renewed splash on iOS and Android

Following what proved to be a less than subtle teaser, Angry Birds creator Rovio has revealed it has acquired the rights to physics puzzler Casey's Contraptions from developers Snappy Touch and Mystery Coconut.

The firm is now working on a reworked version of the release for iOS, Android and "further platforms" this summer, with the original game pulled from the App Store as a result.

Update 10th May: As our sister site Pocket Gamer has now confirmed with more details, Rovio's upcoming game based on this IP is to be called Amazing Alex. It is set to be released in July.

Rovio's acquisitions

"Working with Noel [Llopis, Snappy Touch founder] and Miguel [A. Friginal, Mystery Coconut founder] has been fantastic, and this is a game that we all fell in love with from the first play," said Rovio's VP of franchise development Ville Heijari.

"The gameplay is a perfect fit in our arsenal with its approachable, fun and highly addictive take on the physics puzzler genre.

"We are currently reworking the title to enhance it, and getting ready to re-introduce it in a true 'expect the unexpected' Rovio style launch to an even larger audience."

The Casey's Contraptions move had hinted at just hours before its official reveal, when Rovio pegged what appeared to be revised artwork of the game's lead onto the end of a video celebrating 1 billion Angry Birds downloads.

The acquisition also ties in with previous aspirations set out by Rovio, which stated back in February it was looking to acquire IP from third party mobile developers, with a new non-Angry Birds game due to be revealed in "a couple of months".

[source: Gamasutra]