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UK analytics specialist Setgo scores six-figure regional investment

North West Fund stumps up cash
UK analytics specialist Setgo scores six-figure regional investment

Liverpool-based games analytics software specialist Setgo has announced its received a six-figure equity investment from UK regional body the North West Fund for Digital & Creative.

The exact size of the investment hasn't been announced, but Setgo which tracks player behaviour to provide developers with vital insight claims the funds are a sign of its leading role in the user analytics business.

Fund fun

"Digital distribution, games played online and new business models like free-to-play will be the biggest drivers of the games industry going forward," said MD Clemens Wangerin.

"Powerful analytics software, which provides real-time insights into player behaviour, is absolutely vital for developers to make the free-to-play model a success.

"Setgo Analytics provides the most flexible solution in this space and is already in use by several of our Tier 1 Partners."

The body behind the investment - The North West Fund for Digital & Creative - is just one part of the wider £185 million North West Fund, financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the European Investment Bank.

Focus Liverpool

According to Andy Leach - chief executive of the North West Business Finance - the investment is good for the enitre games industry in Liverpool.

"The Merseyside games sector and the inherent skills base it has developed was always a key factor in our decision to establish a dedicated Digital & Creative sub fund," he said.

"The opportunity to support the growth of businesses with outstanding prospects such as Setgo justifies that decision."

[source: Setgo]