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Tylted opens up HTML5 platform to serve as App Store rival

Mobile web can trump native marketplaces
Tylted opens up HTML5 platform to serve as App Store rival

Tylted has announced that it is opening up its HTML5 gaming platform to external studios, with a view to offering developers a web-based alternative to app stores.

The Tylted platform already plays host to 35 of the company's own titles, and the firm hopes to partner with new developers to expand its catalogue.

It's inviting developers to submit their games for inclusion, on a non-exclusive basis.

Mobile web

Tylted's latest release, Cubugs, attracted more than one million players in its first 33 days at an average of ten minutes per session.

With 30,000 unique players per day, Tylted claims that Cubugs is the equivalent of a 'Top 25' download in the App Store.

"We want the games development community to realise that a viable mobile gaming ecosystem exists apart from Apple and Android," said Tylted CEO Lon Otremba.

"Developers wishing to publish and monetise their own games on the mobile web need not rely only on the app stores.

"If you think you have built a great game for the Tylted platform, we want to hear from you."

If that's a proposition that's piqued your interest, you can find more information on Tylted's API from the Tylted website or by contacting bd [at]