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Apple to launch new user tracking tool for iOS

Won't be tied to individual specific devices
Apple to launch new user tracking tool for iOS

One of the less glitzy announcements Apple could make in the coming weeks revolves around a possible replacement for UDIDs.

According to The Wall Street Journal, Apple is lining up a new user tracking tool designed to aid developers looking for a permanent substitute for UDIDs.

Unique view

The paper claims details of its exact form are unclear as, indeed, is the date of its unveiling though its likely it will be based around a sequence of numbers that isn't tied to individual devices.

"Everyone is waiting for Apple to do something," form iAd executive and current chief executive of mobile marketing company SessionM told the paper.

"There are a lot of different viewpoints in the industry. We don't need more confusion. We need less."

It's suggested an official announcement of any kind during WWDC 2012 is unlikely, though developers could "receive some clues" about Apple's new user tracking technology during the event via an "early version" of iOS 6.

[source: Wall Street Journal]