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Rovio partners with McDonald's in China to create location-based Angry Birds

A game that gets better with burgers
Rovio partners with McDonald's in China to create location-based Angry Birds

Rovio has partnered with McDonald's China to create a promotional location-based version of Angry Birds.

The promotion has launched in China, and will see Angry Birds players who take their play sessions into a branch of McDonald's rewarded with hidden game modes and free power-ups.

These players will also be given the opportunity to cast their vote as part of a competition that will see an oversized slingshot attached to the iconic golden arches of one branch of McDonald's.

A wheel within a wheel

The campaign was created in conjunction with Helsinki-based TBWA/Gamelab and TBWA/Shanghai, and includes a TV spot, online advertising and in-store promotions, as well as the aforementioned mobile game and a desktop version to boot.

Both versions of the promotional Angry Birds games will feature in-game advertising.

"We're delighted about this exciting new initiative in China," explained McDonald's China VP of marketing Christine Xu.

"Both McDonald's and Rovio are brands that are very focused on their customers, wanting to constantly bring them better and more engaging experiences, and that's what brought us together."

[source: Creativity]