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Windows Phone Marketplace tops 70,000 apps in 17 months

250 new apps launching every day
Windows Phone Marketplace tops 70,000 apps in 17 months

Microsoft's reluctance to blow its own trumpet every time Windows Phone Marketplace passes a milestone doesn't mean it's impossible to track the platform's progress.

According to All About Windows Phone, the marketplace has just seen its app total top 70,000 in under 17 months, with developers pushing out new apps at a rate of around 250 a day.

Even more encouraging for Microsoft is the site's suggestion than the platform's rate of growth is picking up.

Got game

It's taken Windows Phone Marketplace 34 days to jump from a total of 60,000 titles to 70,000, with the store's second year averaging out a rate of 264 new apps a day to the first's 91.

Breaking the platform's populous down further, All About Windows Phone reports games currently make up 13 percent of the marketplace's total the third most popular category on offer, and equal to more than 9,000 apps in all.

At its current rate, Windows Phone Marketplace should top 100,000 submitted apps by early July - 21 months after launch.

In comparison, it took Google's Android Market around 24 months to reach the same total back in October 2010, with Apple's App Store topping 100,000 apps 16 months after launch in November 2009.

[source: All About Windows Phone]