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E3 2012: Microsoft unveils Xbox SmartGlass streaming platform for iOS, Android and Windows Phone

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E3 2012: Microsoft unveils Xbox SmartGlass streaming platform for iOS, Android and Windows Phone

Building on the existing Xbox Companion app for Windows Phone, Microsoft used a chunk of its pre-E3 conference in Los Angeles to unveil a fresh cross-platform service, Xbox SmartGlass.

The new tool looks to connect entertainment and games on Xbox 360 with smartphones and tablets, covering iOS, Android, Windows Phone and Windows 8.

Smart move?

SmartGlass allows users to both control specific aspects of an Xbox 360 game on your device  enabling you to change tactics in the middle of a sports game, for instance or learn more about the game, TV show or film in question as it’s playing.

It’s a move commentators are already claiming mirrors Nintendo's decision to deploy a tablet-style controller with Wii U, albeit using devices most consumers already own.

No roster of titles was mentioned in terms of compatibility - Halo 4 and Madden used in the demonstration - but Microsoft claims SmartGlass will launch this autumn.

Opening Windows

Smartphones and tablets will also play a major role in the implementation of Internet Explorer for Xbox, with their touchscreens acting as the point of control, rather than the 360's default controller.

Finally, Microsoft also hinted at the launch of an Xbox Live tool exclusively for Windows 8, though its exact functionality was not revealed.

You can watch the full pre-E3 conference below.
