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All change: Apple unveils 'flatter' iOS 7 for autumn launch

WWDC delivers the goods
All change: Apple unveils 'flatter' iOS 7 for autumn launch

As predicted, Apple unveiled iOS 7 during the firm's WWDC presser in San Francisco, with CEO Tim Cook dubbing it "the biggest change to iOS since the introduction of iPhone."

The updated platform sports a flatter design essentially similar to the mock-ups that hit the web earlier in the day and scores of new touches Apple design chief Jony Ive said would help provide "simplicity and clarity".

A change will do you good

"The biggest change to iOS since the introduction of iPhone," said CEO Tim Cook, introducing iOS 7.

"It's packed with amazing new features, and a stunning new user interface."


Game Center, too, has been redesigned. Gone is the green felt, and in comes a more stripped back colourful approach. Cook claims there are 240 million Game Center users, with 60 of the top 100 apps in the App Store making use of it.

In terms of new Game Center features, however, Apple was silent.

Game off

All that was said from a developer's perspective was that iOS 7 SDK comes with 1,500 new APIs, and is available today in beta form on iPhone.

One of those APIs will enable developers to integrate with third-party game controllers, while another will allow them to bring physics to UI animations.

As for the platform itself, an iPad beta will launch in the coming weeks, while consumers will be able to get their hands on it providing they own an iPhone 4 or later, iPad 2 or later, an iPad mini or a fifth generation iPod touch this autumn.

"There is a profound and enduring beauty in simplicity, in clarity, in efficiency," concluded Ive.

"iOS 7 is a clear representation of these goals. It has a whole new structure that is coherent and applied across the entire system."