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Android holds half US smartphone sales, but iOS and Windows Phone growing faster

Kantar claims BlackBerry blown away
Android holds half US smartphone sales, but iOS and Windows Phone growing faster

Android's hold on the US market shows no sign of waning, according to Kantar Worldpanel, though the inevitability of being top dog is that its growth appears to be plateauing.

The firm's latest estimates suggest that, over the course of the last 12 months, both iPhone and Windows Phone have outpaced Android when it comes to share growth.

Kantar reports Apple's share is up 2.3 percentage points during the last 12 months compared to Google's 1.4 percent rise.

Also, the firm claims Microsoft's hand grew by 1.8 percentage points, giving it a 5.6 percent share of the smartphone market across the US.

Third place race

That pegs Microsoft's platform some distance behind Android on a 51.7 percent of smartphone sales and iOS on 41.4 percent though the Redmond giant will be pleased it appears to have cemented its position as the third major OS in the US.

Its closest competitor, BlackBerry, now holds less than 1 percent of smartphone sales according to Kantar.

Kantar Worldpanel claims key to Windows Phone's success has been its switch from previously appealing to older consumers to now targeting a far younger group.

"When looking at those who changed device, between 2011 and 2012 Windows was more successful at capturing older consumers aged 50-64," said analyst Mary-Ann Parlato.

"But when looking at those changing now and in the last year, we're seeing Windows now gaining share among those aged 25-34."

It takes two

Android's dominance in the US is now also being mirrored in China, where Kantar Worldpanel claims Google holds more than half the smartphone market in terms of install base.

Second to Android in China is not iOS, however, but rather Symbian, which despite a significant slide in share remains a major player in the region for the time being.

"Symbian has declined 2 percent in the last quarter, whilst iOS remained resilient," Kantar concluded.

"Following the same trend, Symbian looks likely to lose its second place to be the third in the next 2 quarters."

[source: Kantar Worldpanel]