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FreeAppADay creators tease new app discovery platform 'Project X'

'Your apps your way'
FreeAppADay creators tease new app discovery platform 'Project X'

ICS Mobile, the team behind app discovery service FreeAppADay, has revealed it's working on a new, yet-to-be-unveiled platform that's designed to push apps to users in a fresh way.

Few details have been released but it's thought the project - labelled Project X - will look to combine the strong daily virality that FreeAppADay demonstrated with the new ecosystem of free-to-download apps and games.

It will also have an app-based delivery with an app already submitted to and approved by Apple. 

X marks the spot?

Other than that, the only clue to what ICS is planning comes via a teaser site for the app, which is adorned by the title "My Apps My Way" a tagline that appears to suggest a personalised app discovery experience.

It's believed that Project X is being lined up for a fall release, with high profile partners and companies spanning games and apps said to be involved.

Apple says yes

Project X's reveal comes at a time when other app discovery platforms though in much demand from developers have fallen foul of the App Store's guidelines.

French outfit AppGratis saw its promotional app pulled by Apple back in April, reportedly over concerns that the discovery service too closely mimicked the App Store itself and broke rules when it came to push notifications.

However, commentators believe that AppGratis as with the now relaunched AppShopper before it was simply too powerful, with the company able to push titles up the App Store's rankings almost at will, "gaming" the marketplace in the eyes of many.

The fact that Project X has already been approved by Apple is a significant declaration and will help build confidence that the platform won't be pulled without notice post release.