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Nvidia's Kepler-based GPUs to 'power superphones'

CEO Huang spells out future
Nvidia's Kepler-based GPUs to 'power superphones'

Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang has cryptically suggested the firm's Kepler-based GPUs could soon be equipped within "superphones".

In an email to employees celebrating the release of the firm's new GeForce GTX 680 graphics card, Huang spelt out a future where Kepler has a major hand to play in pushing the mobile market forward.

No keeping down Kepler

"Three years in the making," said Huang, introducing the GeForce GTX 680.

"The endeavour of a thousand of the world's best engineers. One vision - build a revolutionary GPU and make a giant leap in efficient-performance."

But things won't stop there, continued Huang.

"Today is just the beginning of Kepler," he added.

"Because of its super energy-efficient architecture, we will extend GPUs into datacenters, to super thin notebooks, to superphones. Not to mention bring joy and delight to millions of gamers around the world."

Naturally, Huang gave no details both on what devices will come Kepler equipped, nor when we can expect to see them, though the mere mention of 'superphones' is likely to prick the ears of one or two of the firm's rivals.

[source: AnandTech]