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Mozilla looks to lure HTML5 devs to Firefox OS with handset giveaway

'Phones for Apps' is go
Mozilla looks to lure HTML5 devs to Firefox OS with handset giveaway

Since the initial unveiling of developer preview handsets for Firefox OS back in January, devices running the platform haven't been all too easy for studios to get their hands on.

Mozilla is looking to change this with a 'Phones for Apps' program, which aims to provide developers with access to Keon handsets in an attempt to expand the selection of apps available on the OS.

The second phase of the program, announced this week, is targeted at luring HTML5 developers into the Firefox fold.

Two month window

In order to participate in the second phase of the Phones for Apps program, all an interested developer needs is a previously built and shipped HTML 5 web app.

After applying to the program, the developer should be available - to quote Mozilla - *now* on making it compatible with Firefox OS.

According to Mozilla's guidelines, the port should be completed by September or October, so those interested in working with Firefox for this program can (and probably should) download the Firefox OS simulator to start their porting early.

[source: Mozilla]