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Apple: iOS to become the world's most popular operating system

Near 700 million devices shipped
Apple: iOS to become the world's most popular operating system

As is typical at the start of Apple events, the Cupertino giant has kicked off its expected iPhone reveal by announcing a few stats and one in particular surely designed to set Microsoft on edge.

Taking to the stage stage, CEO Tim Cook claimed iOS is about to become the world's most popular operating system, seemingly surpassing Windows in the process.

Millions and millions

According to Cook, next month will see the 700 millionth iOS device shipped to retail.

Cook didn't mention, however, what iOS's active install base is, however. Given the number of previous iPhone owners who upgrade to the latest version annually, it's especially unlikely that there are anywhere near 700 million iOS devices out there in the wild.

Apple then moved on to discussing the new features built into iOS 7, which will launch on 18 September.