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Circle up: Amazon expands GameCircle to include all Android devices

Kindle leaderboards get competitive
Circle up: Amazon expands GameCircle to include all Android devices

Amazon has unveileda  major overhaul to its GameCircle service - the retail giant's answer to Apple's Game Center - broadening its scope to include all Android devices.

Formerly, GameCircle only supported progress syncing, achievements, and leaderboard data between Kindle Fire tablets.

However, the the new update will allow Kindle Fire users to compare their scores against Android smartphone and tablet gamers.

Game on

The expansion of GameCircle comes at a critical time for Amazon, following shortly after Google unveiled its new cross-platform Google Play Game Services.

Nevertheless, a critical difference between GameCircle and Google's Game Services is that - unlike Google Play Game Services, which works on both iOS, web, and Android - the expanded GameCircle won't work with Apple devices.

In addition to the expansion of GameCircle, Amazon also announced an enhancement to its Whispersync technology, allowing it to automatically resolve data conflicts between mobile devices and the cloud and queue updates to support offline operation.

Full details on the Whispersync enhancements can be found here.

[source: Amazon]