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Kamcord goes wider screen: releases Android version of its gameplay sharing SDK

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Kamcord goes wider screen: releases Android version of its gameplay sharing SDK

When it comes to viral marketing, going as wide as possible is what it's all about.

That's why gameplay video replay service Kamcord is excited to extend its previously iOS-only solution to Android.

Currently available to developers as a beta, not only does the release expand a game's potential audience by hundreds of millions, but crucially for cross-platform games, it completes the virality circle.

Replay value

"We've been working on it for months," explains Kamcord's Matt Zitzmann of the technical challenge.

"It was much harder than the iOS version."

Indeed, the Android release doesn't yet have feature parity with the current iOS SDK, but with updates planned every two weeks that will come in time.

And more generally, Zitzmann says he's happy with the Kamcord's growth.

It's just reached the one million shared videos milestone, as well as playing a part in the success of iOS game Pivvot.

More generally, Zitzmann says developers using the solution can see click through rates of up to 20 percent in terms of people viewing a video and then going to the App Store for more details.

You can sign up for the Android beta here.
