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Unity 4.2.2 adds support for iOS 7 game controllers

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Unity 4.2.2 adds support for iOS 7 game controllers

As headlines go, 'Unity releases SDK version 4.2.2' isn't compelling.

'Latest Unity release has iOS Game Controller support' is rather more interesting, however.

Of course, Apple included the option to support game controllers as part of iOS7.

And while we haven't yet seen a lot of action in terms of hardware manufacturers that will surely come, notably as more developers add support - which brings us back to Unity 4.2.2.

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In terms of technical aspects, Unity says that the support is part of the standard Unity Input API, which means Unity will take care of whether a device is running iOS 7 (i.e. can support controllers), or isn't.

To demonstrate to developers best practice, it's also working on a demo game.

You can find out more details over on the Unity blog.