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Pocket Gamer flies the (pirate) flag on a night of networking at G-Star

With help from NativeX and CocoaChina
Pocket Gamer flies the (pirate) flag on a night of networking at G-Star

A truly global crew assembled at the 247 Lounge in Busan, Korea on 14 November as the great and the good raised their swords and glasses for Pocket Gamer's pirate party.

Having plotted a course to the coast of the Korean resort-town, Pocket Gamer duly dropped anchor, uncorked the grog barrels and ships biscuits and welcomed all-aboard for a jolly (roger) good networking evening.

The night featured mobile captains from across the seven seas, including representatives of 6Waves, Com2Us, Crooz, Unity, Ubisoft, NTT Docomo, Konami, Gala, Shandagames, Changyou, Valve, King, Gree, Kabam, Rovio, Naver, Tencent, SK Telecom, WeMade, Wooga, ProSieben plus a hearty British crew supported by the UKTI amidst the c.300 attendees.

Pirates like to play

After several hours of networking below decks, the more seasoned party-goers ascended the mizzen mast to the more intimate surroundings of the captain's quarters to enjoy some hearty sea shanties, share tall tales and exercise those sea legs.

Once again, a massive Yo-ho-ho and several bottles of the finest rum are due to lead sponsors Native X and Coco (formerly CocoaChina), who's pieces of eight helped to ensure the mainbrace was well and truly spliced on the night.

You can check out the full gallery of party snaps over on's Facebook page.

NativeX's latest product is a new SDK for game developers that allows for rich media native ads within games.

This new tech provides a framework to institutionalize and scale native ad format innovation, giving game developers easy access to a huge variety of interactive ad formats with just one SDK.

Plus there's server-side ad format creation in HTML5, and proprietary advanced machine learning utilising big data science techniques to optimize ads based on contextual and behavioural data.

Through state-of-the-art technology, publishers gain new ad customization abilities and can iterate ad formats faster to improve performance. It allows advertisers to easily experiment with, compare, and fine-tune creative formats and placements.

To find out more about Native X's innovative monetisation and user acquisition solutions for mobile and web apps and their brand new SDK that allows for rich media native ads within games, head long to their site here.

For information on Coco's leading publishing services in the Chinese mobile market or the Coco2D-X 2D game engine, check out the Chukong Technologies site.