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The pitch is back: Get ready to showcase your games at The Very Big Indie Pitch

Submit for a chance to win $20,000 worth of prizes
The pitch is back: Get ready to showcase your games at The Very Big Indie Pitch

If you're a regular visitor to these pages, you'll already be well aware that Pocket Gamer loves the mobile games industry.

What's more, you might also have noticed we have a particular affection for the indies that make the whole mobile games ecosystem so varied and exciting.

We know it's tough being an indie developer these days, and it's especially hard to get yourselves noticed by consumers, publishers or the media when you're just starting out (and reluctantly that includes us even though we're trying to make improvements, we get over 100 submissions a day and sadly can't cover them all).

For all of these reasons, we created the Big Indie Pitch, a chance for indie developers to get their game in front of up to 10 journalists and publishers in under one hour in a comparatively laid back speed-dating format.

As well as the promotion itself and expert feedback, it's also a great exercise in honing your elevator pitch (you only get 5 minutes to impress each time) and there's a chance you could win a prize.

The Very Big Indie Pitch

Having run three very successful - and heavily oversubscribed - indie pitches already this year (in San Francisco, Cologne and London) we decided that we wanted to do something a little bigger to tie into our first ever conference, PG Connects in London in 2014.

Hence, the Very Big Indie Pitch was born (you can see what we did there, right?)

Our last Big Indie Pitch in London

The Very Big Indie Pitch, sponsored by our friends at WildTangent, will go one step further than our previous indie pitches, adding a preliminary round to allow more developers to submit (and have their game checked by our expert panel).

Then, we'll move on to an extended face-to-face pitching session during the first dedicated developer day of PG Connects in London on 20 January - more about that below.

In addition to the chance to pitch to journalists and industry leaders, the top games will also get the chance to share their game with a larger audience by pitching on the main stage of the PG Connects conference.

As if this stardom wasn't enough in itself, we've also got a prize pool worth over $20,000 up for grabs that includes advertising and editorial promotion on our leading channels plus money can't buy opportunities from our partners (more to come on that).

Submit your game for pre-screening now

The submission phase is now open to all developers, wherever you are in the world - aside from the chance to ensure our team look at your games, we're planning on having a special prize for those that can't make it along to the event in person.

On 6 December we'll close the initial submission phase and draw up a shortlists for the pitching event - all games submitted will be looked at.

Our Big Indie Pitch in Cologne

All you need to do is go to this link and submit some basic information about your game (if you haven't done so already you may be asked to sign up to our business network don’t worry that’s totally free and comes with other benefits).

As a little extra incentive, we're also going to give 10 of the companies who enter the big indie pitch in the next week a free Developers Corner story credit (worth $200).

The names will be drawn randomly from submissions in by 12pm GMT Wednesday 27 November (and added to your Business Network account by Friday 29 November).

Even more reasons to attend PG Connects

Although you don't have to sign up for PG Connects to join the Very Big Indie Pitch session, there's a host of reasons why you probably should, including:

  • Genius bar + workshops offering advice and support on Monday
  • Mobile Mixer networking event on Monday evening
  • Two full conference tracks on Tuesday featuring leader speakers:
  • Guide to becoming a mobile indie game star with tips and advice from luminaries and devs including: Halfbrick, Rovio, Creative Mobile, Critical Force, Execution Labs, Fishlabs, Nicholas Lovell and Oscar Clark 
  • Global mobile games publishing strategy learn how to enter the Asian markets and push your game truly global with expert advice from the likes of King, Gamevil, CocoaChina, DeNA, Tencent, KakoaTalk, Applifier, Wooga, iDreamSky and many more
  • Expo floor with networking area (including recruitment and business-matching options)
  • Chance to meet with hundreds of other indie devs, plus representatives from leading global publishers who are looking for new games
  • Free mobile games industry trends report (worth £150) for all attendees 
  • A legendary Pocket Gamer party on Tuesday night

To sign up for the PG Connects at the incredible developer price of $100 now, click here - even if you're not able to make it to London, there’s a chance to engage via a virtual pass just sign up for more information.