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High Fives: Spil Games to invest $5 million in HTML5 game ecosystem

Native not the only way
High Fives: Spil Games to invest $5 million in HTML5 game ecosystem

Some view HTLM5 gaming as the zombie that will not die.

Others forswear the whole 'HTML5 versus native' debate as being a pointless and loaded argument.

One company that's always been committed to the cause, however, is Dutch casual web and mobile games publisher Spil Games.

And that attitude will be reinforced with the news it's investing $5 million to encourage developers to make HTML5 games during 2014.

Open the doors

The money will be spread widely, both to port existing games to HTML5 and to develop new content, plus spent on marketing and promotion.

"With our massive investment next year, we are demonstrating our confidence in the future of HMTL5. Our goal is to help remove the risks for developers with financial, technical and marketing support," said Spil's senior director of games Dan Prigg, pointing to the competition and over supply in native app stores.

Developers interested in learning more about how Spil Games can support HTML5 game development can contact: licensing [at]