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Progressive to unveil multiplatform dev platform RocketFuel at GDC11

Target mobile and consoles with minimum effort
Progressive to unveil multiplatform dev platform RocketFuel at GDC11

It's the kind of buzz phrase that might remind you of washing detergent adverts - Progressive Media claims its new development platform targets multiple platforms "with minimum effort".

Still, the desire for cross-platform games is one of the major trends in 2011. And, according to the Danish developer, its RocketFuel development platform will help deliver it.

Multiplatform power

"At a time when games can turn into franchises overnight, it has never been more important to be able to quickly deploy products across multiple platforms," said CEO Thomas Nielsen.

"With the competition that's out there, you need fast time to market and ability to reach large audiences in order to be profitable. That's exactly what RocketFuel was built for."

Progressive Media says RocketFuel, which will make its debut at GDC 2011, will allow studios to build a game once, before deploying it across scores of devices and platforms.

All code is written in Java, while the platform automagically converts to required target platforms (C/C++, Objective C, J2ME).

Platforms currently supported include iOS, Android, Windows Phone 7, J2ME, Brew, DS, and PSP with Symbian, Wii, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and Windows to follow. 

Fuel for development

"There are a few good technology solutions that will help you deploy top quality games to multiple platforms, but the reality is that no game can or should be completely identical across platforms," added Nielsen.

"You need to leverage everything you can, while also designing specifically for each platform or device - RocketFuel is the only solution we know of that provides this amount of control over what you re-use and what you re-think across platforms. We believe that's the best way to invest in any cross-platform content."

Studios looking to link up with Progressive Media should contact Nielsen via thomasn [at] progressivemedia [dot] dk.

You can find out more here