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4 reasons why Pocket Gamer Connects is ideal for indies

I heart Helsinki
4 reasons why Pocket Gamer Connects is ideal for indies

We’ve always had a soft spot for indie developers at Pocket Gamer.

In fact, it was actually the indies' boundless enthusiasm and amazing creativity that made us fall in love with the business and convinced us to launch this whole shebang in the first place.

Naturally we like to pay back that love whenever we can - through our media channels, events and the like - and when it comes to our bigger affairs like PG Connects Helsinki, well it wouldn't be right if we didn't make sure that indies were at the heart of what we're doing.

But how exactly will this adoration manifest itself? Well, friend, I'm glad you asked because the answer is that we've got four reasons why PG Connects will be a relative love fest designed to encourage, stimulate, and generally show off the very best of the independently minded developer, including:

#1: The I Love Indie showcase

Throughout both days of the conference we’ll be running a showcase space dedicated solely to shouting about the work of indie developers.

Offering a presentation area for your game (including 2 chairs, a table, a power socket) as well as a regular conference ticket for a ludicrously low price, it represents a unique opportunity to stand out from the crowd.

#2: Indie Rock Stars conference track

One of our core speaker tracks at the conference, the Indie Rock Stars, is devoted entirely to indie developers.

Featuring the likes of Johannes Vuorinen from Frogmind, Neil Tennison from Tin Man Games, and Heikki Repo from Cornfox & Bros (plus loads more), this track will celebrate the successes of indies as well as tackling the major day-to-day challenges of the indie life.

Frogmind's <em>Badland</em>
Frogmind's Badland

#3: The Very Big Indie Pitch

In the afternoon of the first day of the conference we’ll be opening up the floor for only our second ever Very Big Indie Pitch.

Offering indie developers the chance to show their games to leading journalists and potential publishing or technology partners, as well as to win some prizes into the bargain, it’s a unique chance to sharpen your elevator pitch and make contacts that will last your development career.

#4: Unique meet and greet opportunities

As if that wasn’t enough, the rest of PG Connects will make it great for meeting the right people and learning new stuff. With even more talks and workshops, a Pocket Gamer Mobile Mixer on the Monday and a grand party on the Tuesday, PG Connects will ensure that no business card is left unshared or beer bottle unopened.

Want to get involved in all of this then? Hurrah, we'd love to have you!

If you’re looking to buy a developer ticket to the event (from just $150/€110 for developers!) or want to get your game displayed in the showcase, head over to the PG Connects Eventbrite page for further details.

As for the Very Big Indie Pitch, we'll be officially opening the doors to this next week. But if you want to get a drop on the competition you can submit your games cheekily right now via our business network with this link (but don't tell anyone we told you, eh?).

Obviously there are plenty of other opportunities for indies and non-indies alike to get more involvement as sponsors, partners, or speakers, but we'll leave you to check them out yourself on the PG Connects website.

So whether you’re an indie looking to get noticed, a publisher looking for the next big thing, or you’re simply on the lookout for the freshest developments in mobile gaming, Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki is going to be a true celebration of all things indie.

We hope you’ll come along and join the fun - it's going to be emotional!