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Meet Pocket Gamer in Berlin at our Mobile Mixer

Come meet us, King and crobo on the 4 June
Meet Pocket Gamer in Berlin at our Mobile Mixer

The Pocket Gamer team are returning to Berlin, one of our absolute favourite cities in the world, to host a brilliant Mobile Mixer on the 4 June.

Taking place on the 4 June, the same night as the WWDC announcement, we’ll be playing host to some of the brightest minds in the mobile gaming industry and we’ll be doing our best to get the brain juices going.

Take my breath away

With the help of our wonderful sponsors King and crobo, we’ll be hosting an informative panel all about building a sustainable and successfully monetising free to play gaming business.

Chatting about the best ways to monetise in game, from IAPs to advertising, we’ll be talking to our industry experts about how to build your free to play business in a way that’ll keep players happy and the increasingly long arm of regulation off your back.

A beautiful crowd at the Amsterdam Mobile Mixer
A beautiful crowd at the Amsterdam Mobile Mixer

And what a panel of experts it is! Already, we’ve managed to confirm that the following industry big wigs are going to be sharing their opinions with us:

• George Osborn, Events Editor,
• Gabirel Hacker, Head of Studio,
• Eric Seufert, Head of Marketing, Wooga
• Konstanin Dieterle, Director Global Game Publisher Accounts, AppLift
• Ville Heijari, Head of European Office, Vungle

As if that wasn’t enough though, once the panel has finished we’ll be hosting an evening of networking and drinking to help you absorb everything that you’ve just learned, as well as keeping you up to date with everything that is happening over in Cupertino.

Mix it up

Taking place in Berlin’s brilliant Belushi's bar, this event is one that you really shouldn’t be missing out on. And as part of our continued efforts to prove certain free to play truisms correct, the Mobile Mixer is completely free to attend meaning that there really is no barrier to entry.

If you want to come along and join the fun, signing up is really simple. All you have to do is head over to our Eventbrite page here, sign up and you’re ready to go. Just remember to bring along a business card so we know who you are.

We’re already very excited to be coming to spend some quality time in Berlin – we hope you’ll be down at Belushi's to join us.