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Atomicom to sponsor UK Game of the Show at Gamescom 2014

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Atomicom to sponsor UK Game of the Show at Gamescom 2014

The Association for United Kingdom Interactive Entertainment (UKIE) has announced that the popular UK Game of the Show award will return at Gamescom 2014.

Sponsored by Atomicom at UKIE's seaside-themed stand, the award endeavors to highlight some of the UK's top talent and studios in front of a global audience.

Speaking on the Award, Atomicom CEO Gary Nichols stressed the importance of drawing attention to UK talent.

"The UK games industry is once again back in top form with indie developers leading the charge and we couldn't be prouder sponsoring the UK Game of the Show award. It's really important for UK Games to get noticed and we can’t wait to see who is in the line-up."

Thirty and counting

So far, thirty UK game companies have booked space on the UKIE-run seaside stand, with the likes of Team17, Four Door Lemon, Born Ready Games, Climax Studios, and Ndreams already signed up.

In addition to this top talent, UKIE has opened up applications to its student members to volunteer at the stand for the first time - with tickets and accommodations paid for - in order to give them a singular opportunity to meet with industry leaders and experience Europe’s largest games trade show.

With all this in mind, UKIE CEO Dr. Jo Twist is understandably looking forward to the event.

"We predict that this is going to be the biggest gamescom ever for the UK," Twist began.

"With the introduction of our innovative games production tax credits scheme, the world's eyes are fixed on the UK, so we are proud to be joined by some of Britain's best companies to wave the flag for the UK industry and show how vibrant our sector is."