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AgeCheq brings COPPA compliance to Unity with new SDK

Free to all Unity developers
AgeCheq brings COPPA compliance to Unity with new SDK

COPPA compliance outfit AgeCheq has announced a new SDK that will bring its services to the Unity platform for the first time.

Earlier in 2014, AgeCheq explained that developers could easily face fines of $16,000 per violation in the US, if they're not in compliance with the recently updated Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).

Unity developers who may have children under the age of 13 in their playerbase can use the free SDK to bring themselves into compliance with COPPA's privacy regulations - all by adding a few lines of code to their game.

AgeCheq points out that existing games already in the hands of players can be easily updated, tested, and re-listed to app stores within a single day.

Cheq your self

Although AgeCheq's SDK is free to all Unity developers, those with millions of monthly users will want to avail themselves of the paid Pro service that provides more robust user analytics.

Speaking on the importance of the SDK, AgeCheq's game evangelist Tyler Smith underscored the importance of compliance.

"The Unity 2D and 3D engines have gathered wide adoption in recent years from both the indie developer community and big game publishers," Smith began.

"Without a proper way to comply with COPPA, Unity developers with audiences under 13 have been risking high fines and other penalties if their games captured any personally identifiable information, ran an ad, or offered in-app purchases. With potential fines of up to $16,000 per child, many independent developers could be put out of business if they do not comply with the law and are cited by the Federal Trade Commission," he concluded.

To sign up for the service, Unity developers can visit this link.