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GLAZEDcon set to explore wearable tech trends on 22 October in London

A day of speakers and an evening of showcases focused on wearables and IoT
GLAZEDcon set to explore wearable tech trends on 22 October in London

Wearable World is a global organisation - headquartered in San Francisco - that aims to support the business side of wearable technology and the Internet of Things campaign.

As it moves into Europe, a day of speakers and showcases has been planned for 22 October 2014 at BL_NK in Shoreditch (37 East Road), London.

Speakers from a host of software and tech companies, including Mozilla, Pebble, IndieGogo, HAXLR8R and Skully are in attendance as they discuss topics ranging from crowdfunding and the wearable ecosystem to multimedia, fashion tech and health and fitness tracking.

The evening will play host to a wearable tech showcase, with a variety of companies demonstrating their new ventures into connected and smart lifestyle devices, including the world's first 3D pen, the augmented reality motorcycling helment Skully, and MiriQ's wireless modular smartphone charger.

Test out the world's first 3D printing pen at GLAZEDcon 2014.
Test out the world's first 3D printing pen at GLAZEDcon 2014.

GLAZEDcon coincides with Wearable World's opening of Europe's first wearable technology accelerator and incubator programme, which is supported by the team at London's DevLab.

“Wearable World wants to have a transformative effect on investment in wearables in Europe, inspiring others to follow our lead so we can create a really strong, localised angel class and ecosystem for this market,” says co-founder Kyle Ellicott, director of the Wearable World Labs programme.

You can find out more info about GLAZEDcon, and book your tickets, over on the official site.