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Citing exceptional growth, Lunagames hits 5 million downloads on Windows Phone

Launches publishing programme to celebrate
Citing exceptional growth, Lunagames hits 5 million downloads on Windows Phone

Amsterdam-based outfit Lunagames has passed the 5 million downloads mark on Windows Phone, the studio has announced, with the firm set to focus more attention on Microsoft's OS moving forward.

Said downloads have been amassed since May this year, with Lunagames claiming it has seen “exceptional growth” on the platform during the last six months.

Indeed, the firm expects to have hit 10 million downloads before the end of 2014.

In celebration

“At Gamescom we announced that we had surpassed the two million download mark and now three months later we have exceeded five million downloads,” said CEO Richard Hazenberg

“We believe that the vision of one Windows Store across multiple devices will offer developers an even greater opportunity to reach consumers moving forward,” he added, claiming Lunagames “will be expanding our development capacity to deliver our daily feel good moments to all Windows devices.”

As a result of its success, Lunagames has also launched a publishing program to help developers maximise the opportunity on Windows.

“Game Publishers like Lunagames entertain millions of Windows Phone users with their apps,” added Todd Brix, general manager of Windows Apps and Store.

“Lunagames is among the many publishers and developers who are increasingly taking advantage of Windows Store to target a growing range of Windows powered phones, tablets and PC with lucrative monetisation capabilities.”