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Apple releases WatchKit as part of iOS 8.2 beta SDK

A new way to play?
Apple releases WatchKit as part of iOS 8.2 beta SDK

It's still unclear how or even if it will relate to games, but Apple has enabled developers to start making content for its forthcoming Apple Watch.

Part of the iOS 8.2 beta SDK, WatchKit provides developers with the tools they need to create apps for the Apple Watch, including using actionable notifications, Glances - "a quick and lightweight view of an app" - and new UI inputs like Force Touch, Digital Crown and Taptic Engine.

Apple points to use cases such as people using the Watch to turn off the lights after they've left the house - presumably by also integrating with its HomeKit tech - or accessing flight details at the airport, or rerouting travel when a train or bus is late.

Information on the wrist

Companies such as ESPN, American Airlines and Instagram ponied up to praise the future possibilities.

"Apple Watch allows us to make the Instagram experience even more intimate and in the moment," said Kevin Systrom, co-founder and CEO of Instagram.

"With actionable notifications you can see and instantly like a photo or react with an emoji. The Instagram news and watch list allows you to see your friends' latest photos, follow new accounts and get a real-time view of your likes and comments."

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