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Why you're losing players, Supercell is winning, and how to talk on camera

A glance at last week's top stories
Why you're losing players, Supercell is winning, and how to talk on camera

We put on our "fix it" caps last week - like thinking caps, but snazzier - to bring you a slew of stories dedicated to helping developers win,

The first most read article was a list by deltaDNA charting why it's not unsual for a F2P game to lose half its players in the first session, never to return - and how to stop them leaving. 

Then we saw Supercell once more prove its might by announcing some jaw-dropping financial figures for 2014. 

As the popularity of video in the games industry continues its skyward trajectory, it's likely you're going to have to at some point talk about your game on camera.

We put together 7 top tips on how to do exactly that.

Other stories that drew your attention included a call by Rovio for five new talents for its publishing team, and our video interview with Nordeus on why it's opening an office in London.

So there's the synopsis, but click below to get the juicy details of each story in full.

#5: Why Nordeus is opening a 'blank slate' office in London

Why Nordeus is opening a 'blank slate' office in London

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Why Nordeus is opening a 'blank slate' office in London »

At Pocket Gamer Connects London 2015, George Osborn spoke to Aman Ghei from Top Eleven developer Nordeus.

Ghei is heading up the company's new London studio, which has been set up to enable Nordeus access to a wider talent pool of developers.

He filled us in on all of the details in a video interview - including what sort of games the studio is looking to make.


#4: Rovio Stars is looking for 5 stars to build out publishing team

Rovio Stars is looking for 5 stars to build out publishing team

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Rovio Stars is looking for 5 stars to build out publishing team »

Based in Espoo - just outside of Helsinki, Finland - Rovio Stars announced last week that it's on the lookout for the best F2P games that will appeal to the massive global audience that Rovio has access to thanks to Angry Birds.

Rovio Stars is the company's publishing arm, and the open positions are as follows:

  • Executive producer,
  • Senior games producer,
  • Art director,
  • Senior product manager, and
  • Product lead.

The news follows the appointment of William Taht as head of external publishing.

#3: 7 top tips for talking about your game on camera

7 top tips for talking about your game on camera

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7 top tips for talking about your game on camera »

It's a simple truth that talking about your game on camera is now an industry necessity.

You might need to preview it for a media outlet, or simply be interviewed at an industry event.

You may be speaking on stage with the talk being posted online, or your marketing team might want to create some company videos.

So we put together a list of seven tips for how to talk on camera and present both your game and yourself in the best light.

#2: Supercell sees 2014 revenue rise threefold to $1.7 billion

Supercell sees 2014 revenue rise threefold to $1.7 billion

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Supercell sees 2014 revenue rise threefold to $1.7 billion »

A company that's proven it's cracked the F2P market is Supercell, who just announced its 2014 financial figures - and they're pretty impressive.

Last year's sales grew threefold to $1.7 billion - though indeed it was less than some analysts had expected.

Superdata, for example, had estimated Clash of Clans could generate at least $1.8 billion by itself.

Gross earnings (EBITDA) were up 111 percent to $565 million.

#1: 10 reasons players are leaving your game

10 reasons players are leaving your game

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10 reasons players are leaving your game »

Around 80 percent of mobile app store revenue is generated by F2P in-app purchases, so it's no secret that F2P is big business.

The issue is being able to publish a F2P title that keeps the player hooked - so deltaDNA shared its insights with us on how to improve retention.

For example, the big data analytics platform found that developers often set their difficulty too high too early - and alienated players as a result.

Another issue comes when players run out of the resources that they start the game with, and are then asked to purchase more. 

Out of the list of ten tips, however, deltaDNA said this: the most important thing is for you to use analytics to gain a better understanding of your players' behaviours and personalise the gameplay accordingly.