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Despite $20 max IAP, Fallout Shelter already making millions

Main series stopgap gets the hardcore spending
Despite $20 max IAP, Fallout Shelter already making millions

Although its highest value IAP is a mere $19.99,  Fallout Shelter has turned a few heads by arriving high in western App Store top grossing charts.

On iPhone, it's gone top 10 top grossing in 26 countries, including #2 in the UK and #3 in the US. 

On iPad, it's top 10 top grossing in 20 countries. 

A notable omission, however, are lucrative Asia markets such as Japan and Google Play-focused South Korea, although it has entered the Chinese top 100. 

Surprise win

“We’re very pleased," said Bethesda’s VP of PR and marketing Pete Hines. "Fallout Shelter is doing amazingly well, with no real build-up."

It was, after all, released immediately following a shock reveal at Bethesda's E3 press conference.

“To take such a light approach to monetisation compared to other free-to-play games - we felt like we wanted to err on the side of caution and make it very unobtrusive, make sure it was fun first and foremost. So far so good.”

While the scrutiny of our IAP Inspector suggested that the monetisation of Fallout Shelter wasn't as divergent from the norm as it would have had players believe, and that the randomness of its IAPs could even be considered less fair, the results certainly speak for themselves.

With little pressure on them to do so, it speaks to the power of the brand that players are spending a lot of money on Fallout Shelter.

[Source: VentureBeat]