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Mech Mocha on why Indian indies have to get smart about the "other stuff" in F2P games

It's not just about the game
Mech Mocha on why Indian indies have to get smart about the

As part of Pocket Gamer Connects Bangalore 2015, Mohit Rangaraju, founder of Mech Mocha Game Studios, gave a talk on design philosophies in free-to-play games.

Specifically, Rangaraju said that "apart from the game, there's a lot of other stuff which, I feel, as indies, we generally have no idea about."

The right tool for the job

He suggests using a variety of tools for analytics, user segmentation, and advertising, and recommends using all of these together to maximise potential revenue.

In particular, Rangaraju says that "user segmentation is something that not many indies try to do", but is essential for targeting users.


You can see all our videos from Pocket Gamer Connects Bangalore 2015 in this YouTube Playlist.