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IGG Canada donates $100,000 to Fort McMurray fire relief fund

I Got Good
IGG Canada donates $100,000 to Fort McMurray fire relief fund

In a notable act of charity, game studio IGG Canada has donated CAD$100,000 to the Canadian Red Cross.

The donation is in support of the devasting fires in Fort McMurray, Alberta.

“The images and stories from evacuees and emergency responders on scene really affected us. Fort McMurray as a community has lost so much.

"When a community is devastated like Fort McMurray has been, we all need to do our part to help those in need," commented IGG CEO Duke Cai.

Based in Vancouver, IGG Canada employs more than 60 staff.

IGG is headquartered in Singapore and floated on the Hong Kong stock exchange. It also has offices in China, Japan, Thailand. Korea, the US and the Philippines.