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Pokeballs: All the stupid things Pokemon GO made us do

Silly Season
Pokeballs: All the stupid things Pokemon GO made us do

Pokemon GO has taken over the world.

So here's a list of weird and wonderful stories about the game and the human behaviour it's encouraged.

  • Bosnians warned not to play Pokemon GO in minefields (BBC)
  • Man playing Pokemon GO in Nashua, New Hampshire find dead body (CBS)
  • Man in New Zealand stops being a barista to chase Pokemon professionally (Mashable)
  • Muncie Animal Shelter has attracted 150 dog walkers with its Pokemon GO promotion. (BBC)
  • Man stabbed while playing Pokemon GO. Continues playing Pokemon GO (KTLA)
  • Arlington National Cemetery has asked people not to play Pokemon GO in its grounds. (Twitter)
  • Chinese conspiracy theorists worry Pokemon GO will uncover secret military locations. (ChinaTopix)
  • Westboro Baptist Church is hijacked by liberal Pokemon GO players. (IBT Times)
  • Various people tweet using hashtags #PokemonGo #Divorce (Huffington Post)
  • Pokemon GO stirs up a mixture of trouble and laughs in Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Egypt (Aljazeera)
  • Israeli Army warns soldiers not to play Pokemon GO on base (Haaretz)