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Ukie urges UK government to allow post-Brexit free movement of talent and data through Europe

Essentially outlines reasons why we should've stayed in the EU
Ukie urges UK government to allow post-Brexit free movement of talent and data through Europe

UK games trade association Ukie has published a paper outlining the steps the British government needs to take to ensure the UK games industry thrives post-Brexit.

Its main concerns revolve around freedom of movement within the EU, not only in terms of business, investment, and access to talent in Europe, but also the free-flow of data.

74% of developers surveyed by UKIE said that they currently employ non-UK EU nationals and stated it is critically important that the government continues to allow access to highly-skilled European talent. They also said it's crucial to make sure that current foreign employees can stay in the UK.

Digital boundaries

As well as this, Ukie urges the government to retain the Video Games Tax Relief, which has provided £45.9 million to UK game studios since it launched in April 2014.

Ukie also suggested that the government needs to make sure its voice is heard in the policy-making of the Digital Single Market, which aims to remove digital trade boundaries between EU countries.

You can access the full report from Ukie's website.