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Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki Pocket Jam winners revealed

Juicy Pipes comes out on top
Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki Pocket Jam winners revealed

The winners of the inaugural Pocket Jam at Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki 2016 have been revealed.

The winning team was Ask in 3 minutes for their puzzle game Juicy Pipes.

Team members included:

  • Henri Sarasvirta - coding, design
  • Kimmo Seitz - 3D art, design
  • Antti Ruonala - 3D art, design, original concept
  • Matti Isotalo - 2D art, SFX, particles, design

The team will receive a ticket to Pocket Gamer Connects London 2017 on 16 and 17 January, as well as $1,000 to use on Steel Media sites.

All uploading teams will also be automatically considered as candidates for the Finnish Game Jam Awards 2017.

The theme of the game jam was “juicy tap”, resulting in a number of diverse games.

The event took place during Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki 2016 and lasted 30 hours in total. There were 22 jammers and five games developed.

You can find all the games on here.

You can also catch up with tweets from the teams under the Twitter hashtag #PocketJam1.

The Pocket Jam was run by the Finnish Game Jam ry in collaboration with Pocket Gamer.

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