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Pokemon GO rakes in $600 million in revenue twice as fast as Candy Crush Saga

Niantic continues to catch all the records
Pokemon GO rakes in $600 million in revenue twice as fast as Candy Crush Saga

Niantic’s Pokemon GO continues to steamroll its way through mobile gaming record books after reaching $600 million in revenues faster than any other mobile game.

According to App Annie, the location-based augmented reality game reached $600 million 2.5x faster than King’s Candy Crush Saga – a stalwart of the top grossing charts over the last few years.

The hugely popular Puzzle & Dragons took over 400 days to reach the landmark, while Supercell’s Clash of Clans took more than 500 days.

Whether Pokemon GO can keep up the pace in the long-term remains to be seen however. The game is currently thought to be making around $2 million a day, a hugely impressive figure but down from a high of $16 million.

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App Annie also claimed that during the first three months of its release, 45% of total time spent in the top 20 games in the US was spent on just Pokemon GO.

When compared to the top 50 games on Android in the US, Pokemon GO was said to have garnered over 18 times the average time spent during Q3.

It was also the only game in the top five Android apps ranked by time spent. An impressive feat next to apps such as Facebook, Chrome, YouTube and Samsung Internet for Android.