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Apple's next iPhone will replace old LTPS screens with curved OLED

Like the Samsung S7 Edge
Apple's next iPhone will replace old LTPS screens with curved OLED

Apple's next iPhone could be replacing its low-temperature poly-silicon screens for OLED screens similar to those used by Samsung phones.

The claims come from Sharp President Jeng-wu Tai. Sharp is a Japanese electronics company which supplies screens to Apple for its devices.

Tai made the claims during a ceremony in which he was awarded an honorary doctorate. He said that "we don't know whether Apple's OLED iPhones will be a hit, but if Apple doesn't walk down this path and transform itself, there will be no innovation."

Innovate or die

Sharp is currently in the process of increasing its OLED production in both Japan. It has some limited capabilities to produce the screens in the US at this time.

Curved OLED screens have already been used in Samsung's Galaxy S7 Edge and Note 7. The screens had no impact on the halting of production of the latter device.

A new type of screen could attract more users to iPhones and help revitalise Apple's sales. It posted its first annual revenue decline in 15 years in its FY16 financials.

[Source: Nikkei Asia Report]