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167 games have received UK tax relief in the last 12 months

Games have a total budget of £350 million
167 games have received UK tax relief in the last 12 months

167 games received final certification for UK games tax relief between October 2015 and September 2016, according to a new report from the BFI.

That’s more than double – a 117% increase – from the same period the previous year. These games had a total budget of £350 million, a rise of 933% from the previous year.

Total UK/EEA spend on these projects was £253.1 million, a 686% increase on the previous year. 170 games also received interim certification during the period.

Between Q1 to Q3 2016, 128 games received final certification on a total budget of £158 million. That's close to the 152 games that received final certification between April 2014 and May 2016.

A huge boost to the UK games sector

“These stats clearly show what a huge boost the Video Games Tax Relief is to the UK games sector,” said UKIE CEO Jo Twist.

“The incredible year-on-year increase in certifications proves that the support has become a critical driver for growth in the industry, and we are pleased to see the variety of budgets from big to small benefiting.

“This is a clear signal to government that the continuation of the VGTR in a post-referendum world is critical to our sector in order to remain competitive globally.”