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Is it even worth being a mobile games indie in 2017?

Oscar Clark asks some indies
Is it even worth being a mobile games indie in 2017?

As part of Pocket Gamer Connects London 2017, Unity's Oscar Clark led a panel of indie developers in a discussion on whether the "indie journey" is really worth it anymore.

Joining him were;

Alex Moyet, Founder & Director of AMCADE;
Josh Nilson, Co-founder & CEO of East Side Games;
Michael Peiffert, Founder & Producer of Mi-Clos Studios, and;
James Hursthouse, former CEO of Roadhouse Interactive

"Be more careful about money at the high points than the low points," warned Nilson, arguing that spending money like you're Facebook when you have some money in the bank can ultimately lead to your demise as you ignore your customers.

"There's never been a better time to start a studio," said Hursthouse, pointing to the fact that social media has "taken out the guesswork" of what players actually want, as well as the tools available to developers to make games quickly and iterate rapidly when required.

"Don't feel like you're driven by the customer," added Moyet, saying that while it is important to listen to the audience, you should still design games that you want to make, and not necessarily just make what the trends show you should make.

Peiffert touched on early times at Mi-Clos when the studio was "broke", and said that paid UA didn't work as well as reaching out to press and going to conferences to share the game around.