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Call for speakers: PG Connects San Francisco is go on June 27th to 28th

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Call for speakers: PG Connects San Francisco is go on June 27th to 28th

Our Pocket Gamer Connects London conference last month – our fourth annual appearance in the UK capital – was a blast. Our biggest and best (as judged by our delegates, I should point out) yet.

We could, you know, charter an Airbus and chest bump each other all the way to the Maldives. Take the rest of the year off. Contemplate life.

But that's not how we roll. If we roll anything, in fact, it's our sleeves which means as much as we're pleased with London's event it's now time to focus on the next project.

PGC heads to the USA

And that's PG Connects San Francisco. Set for June 27th to 28th this marks a return to North America for PGC and we're focused on bringing all the goodness of our European conferences (we have Helsinki on September 19th to 20th) in some kind of transatlantic mobile games industry master mission.

This means two days packed with content that will help boost your business. We're a few months out and we'll obviously update in more detail as we get closer to the conference but here's what to expect from a typically PGC San Francisco agenda:

  • Some 100 of the finest mobile games sector speakers
  • Over 80 sessions spanning 30 hours' worth of content
  • 1,000 delegates from a truly cross-section of the industry - from indies through to triple-A publishers, to investors, tools providers, media and more
  • Monetize, Retain, Acquire content that delivers the key trends in the UA, retention, and monetization landscape
  • Indie developers gain essential insight from international experts in a dedicated conference track
  • Publishers get the inside track on the hottest markets & the wisest advice courtesy of Global Publishing
  • Development practical tips – from creating great ideas to running live ops – in our Mobile Games University
  • Discover the latest, leading trends at the heart of the mobile games university in InduTrends
  • Get to know the different sources & and approaches to raising funds in Show Me The Money
  • Our Superstar Sessions are known for getting the brightest minds to discuss the topics set to dominate the state of play
  • Get career-changing exposure in the hugely popular Very Big Indie Pitch competition
  • See the latest games or display your own in the Indie Showcase
  • Meet publishers and investors to help take your game to the next level
  • Stacks of useful contacts thanks to thousands of meetings via our match-making system and celebrated after-hours networking events
  • Plus a couple of big announcements we're not in a position to disclose just yet

Overall, we're delivering our unique combination of short-form lectures, super smart engaged speakers dispensing invaluable advice, and intensive networking to the US.

More details will start flowing soon, of course, but for now the key bit is that the Super Early Bird ticket rates are live.

And, yes, we're taking speaker submissions.