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$14 million Finnish investment fund Icebreaker wants to help established developers create startups

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$14 million Finnish investment fund Icebreaker wants to help established developers create startups

A new €14 million fund established in Helsinki is targeting software developers looking to form their first startup.

Called Icebreaker, the fund has been established by startup experts Riku Seppälä, Aleksi Partanen and Lasse Lehtinen. They will invest between €40,000 and €350,000 at angel and seed stages.

The fund is specifically looking at what it calls "pre-founders". It identifies pre-founders as developers who have been working in the industry for five or more years that have an idea for a startup but lack the monetary backing and business knowledge.

Foster the people

As well as offering funding, Icebreaker will form a community of its pre-founders to foster new companies. Through events and gatherings it is hoped these pre-founders will meet like-minded individuals to create startups with.

The fund is non-specific as to what types of companies it is looking to invest in. Members of the team have previously invested in mobile games, such as Tribe Studios, which was eventually acquired by Palringo in May 2015.

Finnish developers who are looking to get involved with the fund can find out more on the Icebreaker website.